Gain weight despite physical activity. How is it possible?

Like many athletic people, weight loss may be one of your goals as part of your physical activity… And like many athletic people, you are filled with incomprehension and disappointment when you see this number, far from your expectations, displayed on the scale. Also, you ask yourself: “what should I review in my practice to achieve weight loss?”, “What is the point of putting heart into work if the long-awaited reward is never offered to me?”, “ is something wrong with me? ”.

Don’t be so hard on yourself! Weight gain when you exercise has its explanations, it’s up to you to find the one that suits you. We are therefore giving you some ideas … On one condition: do not forget to consider them, and (above all) to consider YOU with kindness;)!

Muscle mass versus fat mass

Weight, far from being just a number, is made up of several data: adipose mass, in other words fat, and lean mass, the latter referring to muscles, organs, bones, and to the water that makes up our body.

When you exercise, you burn lipids, that is to say fat (your fuel when your body has no more carbohydrates at its disposal) and build your muscles, which will allow you to gain more muscle mass. Also, and this is verified by touch, muscle is denser than fat, which is much softer. This takes up more space than muscle, it spreads out, while muscle is compact. In terms of weight, imagine having two objects of the same size, one of which is made of wood, to represent fat, and the other is made of lead, to represent muscle.

It is therefore easy to understand how the development of muscle mass initiated by sports practice is at the origin of possible weight gain in athletes. So, after all, gaining muscle is pretty good news, isn’t it?

Diet: a key factor in weight gain!

It would unfortunately be illusory to think that sport can necessarily and instantly make us lose weight, since our weight in question includes its share of fat, and its share of muscles, the latter developing under the impetus of physical activity. Now, it is quite possible to gain muscle without losing fat. You doubt it? Well, know that sport is not everything … Food matters too, as much, or even more!

Indeed, a caloric intake much higher than your energy expenditure will never make you lose weight… With or without sport! And yes, life is unfair;). So, if you want to see some of your pounds go off, you’re going to have to create what’s called a calorie deficit. In other words, you will have to eat significantly fewer calories than you use . In this way, your body will draw its energy by itself from your fat mass.

Be careful not to extrapolate the concept of calorie deficit, however. Indeed, it should not be a question of extreme frustration, but simply of reason. In fact, depriving yourself drastically is harmful to your health since it will weaken your immune system, among other things, and considerably reduce your energy for playing sports. On the other hand, not having enough to eat will lead you, one day or another, to snack between meals and / or to have a crush!

A varied, balanced, tasty diet, made with small occasional variations, coupled with regular sports practice and taking SLIMMING PACK are therefore the perfect combination for losing weight (Recommended for athletes seriöse steroide shops), or at least not to take it.

When gaining weight is not inevitable

If you were given the choice between weighing 10kg less but being sedentary, or weighing your current weight and still being in good physical shape, which option would you seriously choose? Why do we absolutely want to focus on a simple number that appears on our scale, rather than focusing on our general physical appearance , and above all, on our well-being? So, of course, you have the right to be dissatisfied with your weight, but before you lay a malicious eye on it, have you ever considered analyzing it? There are, in fact, connected scales allowing you to know the distribution between your adipose mass and your lean mass. The adipometer and bioelectric impedance analysis are also tools with which you can learn more about your composition.

Gaining weight despite physical activity is therefore much more complex than it seems. When muscle mass gain and / or an inappropriate diet are not the reasons, it can also be rules, water retention, quality of sleep, or even a poor distribution between cardio activity and muscle building (these two activities are, in fact, to be considered together).