The impact of positive thinking proven by Masaru Emoto’s rice experience

What if we told you that water has a memory, that it is receptive to the pretty waves you send to it … Would you believe it? In any case, this is the incredible discovery that the Japanese author, Masaru Emoto (1943-2014), claims to have made.

Yes, we use the verb to pretend, because if Emoto’s international fame is without question, so is its scientific non-recognition. And yet, whether we believe it or not, the results of his experiments intrigue and put, on their own, into perspective all our certainties about the power of thought, as well as its influence on water, on all matter. which is composed of it… and moreover on ourselves. So leave your preconceptions aside, and make room for curiosity. Your questions may not be answered in the following lines, but who knows, you may find new questions there?

Crystals and rice

We prefer to make things clear up front: our purpose is not to convert you to the works of Masaru Emoto, simply to expose them to you. Also, do not be surprised to learn that the one who, in 1992, received the unofficial title of Doctor of Alternative Medicine did not consider himself to be truly a scientist as common sense imagines. , fully aware that his research was somewhat out of place in the field *.

Through clichés that he interprets, the man of thought studies water in its crystalline structure, that is to say in the solid state: while some crystals are harmonious and considered to be beautiful , others are shapeless and considered ugly. For Emoto, this is no accident: water has a memory, it reacts to thought, to emotions, to words. Thus, in his photographs, he asserts that the sumptuous crystals are formed under the influence, among others, of the compositions of Johann Sebastian Bach, while he attributes the shapeless crystals to that of hard rock.

The rice test also highlights this phenomenon, and makes it observable without a microscope ! The protocol is simple and easily reproducible at home. Simply sterilize three identical glass jars (preferably with tight-fitting lids) in a large pot of boiling water, then dry them well. Once the jars are dry, divide three servings of cooked white rice evenly, making sure that each jar contains a similar rice (for example, wetter, or much drier; moisture promotes rot, the experiment may be skewed) if one jar contains rice that is wetter than the other two). Finally, put a label on each of the jars to identify them (with the words: love, hate, and neuter), and place them in a cupboard, protected from light. You just have to address each of the three jars through the same medium (thought, emotions, or words) and the same number of times per day (one to three times) for two weeks or more. If, at the end of the experiment, you observe that the rice to which you shouted hateful words (“I hate you”, etc.) and the one to which you were indifferent are at more advanced stages of decomposition than the rice to which you have addressed words of love (“I love you”, “you are beautiful”, etc.), you will therefore confirm Masaru Emoto’s theory according to which energetic vibrations influence water… That we let’s influence water, and everything that contains it!

* The Japanese researcher has, to date, never been published in a scientific journal, the fault of his experimental methods and protocols considered to be lacking in scientific rigor: absence of large-scale tests, choice of images considered to be not very objective, etc.

A healthy mind for a healthy body

Imagine that you have performed Masaru Emoto’s rice test, that your results were similar to his: you are now largely convinced by the influence of thought, words, emotions … in short, vibrations energy on water! Now think about the percentage of water our body is made up of, 60%. Okay, do you finally see where we’re going?

As long as we adhere to what the Japanese professor was saying, it is absolutely legitimate to think that positive or negative energy exerts an influence on us, on our composition, and on that of all that is provided with water. Moreover, no need to try any experimental protocol to be sure. Indeed, we will certainly all agree to say that from the moment our thoughts are gentle, benevolent, kind , we feel much better and take pleasure in inhabiting our bodies. Just as the reverse is also true.

After all, Masaru Emoto may not have scientific recognition, but whatever, he undoubtedly wanted to make Man better by looking for good reasons for him to be pleasant to himself and to others. So, we ask you the question: do we need compelling scientific evidence to start loving us today?

As Masaru Emoto’s rice experience is not recognized by science, it cannot therefore prove the importance of positive thinking on athletic success (which depends on many other factors, and moreover, let us specify that the conception of the sporting success belongs to each one. But from the moment we accept and believe in this experience, it is only logical to be convinced that a body nourished by positive energies is then healthy and ready to perform.

Thus, if his studies are not admissible under the title of science, we cannot but feel a deep gratitude towards this man who knew how to reposition water at the center of our concerns. Water is a commodity that is taken for granted, yet it is a rare and precious resource. We, sportsmen, who drink more than a sedentary person, we who take particular pleasure in washing ourselves after a physical effort: our duty is to be sensitive, aware and grateful!

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